
Isaac is 3 months old!

Isaac is exactly 3 months old in these photos!

Fun at the park in my . . . froggie socks


Our Formal Garden

Our formal garden includes a fig tree, two gardenia bushes, a loquat tree, bunches and bunches of pansies (which I planted when I was very pregnant), snap dragons, and ornamental kale. It's in full bloom right now and very beautiful! Oh, ignore the weeds--they actually make nice "ground cover" for this flower bed. Jason weeded it very well about a month ago, and it really look nice, but in some ways more empty. Now with the green background of a few weeds, the colors of the flowers really pop! Ironic huh?

Bath Time!

Isaac loves bath time! He is kind of silly when he's naked! He smiles and laughs right before we put him onto his bath lounger. He never cries in the bath, even when we pour the water over his head to wash his hair. He does start to cry when we take him out, because it's a little cold during the transition between the warm bath water and his towel!
Look at that little smile! He's looking forward to a nice warm bath...scruba-dub-dub!

And...that's a wrap...


Spring is here! We've just planted some new flowers...dahlias...in our circular flower bed in the front yard. I LOVE dahlias! They are so beautiful!

We also added some marigolds into this flower bed. Hopefully all the plants will bush out in the next few months, so that this flower bed will look fuller.


Isaac is 2 months old!

Isaac's 2 month photos taken on March 25, 2010 . . .