
Our Cute Kitty Cats

Fluffy taking a nap on her bed that I set up for her beside me on the desk. She usually tries to take her naps on top of my pile of paper work that I'm trying to work on...so I decided to put a towel out for her to lay on--it's worked well...and she LOVES it...as you can see!
Romeo enjoys her perch on the back of the couch...chin rest and everything...living in the lap of luxury!

Tommy found a cozy spot on a blanket that was partly draped on the couch and partly laying on the floor. He loves to sleep sunny side up!

Fluffy usually goes spalunking in the dish washer once a month or so. Fortunately she does it when the dishes are dirty or if it is empty. I have to keep the door on the dish washer closed if the dishes are clean, or she might try to dirty them for me! She loves this game, and I think it's pretty hilarious watching her try to get in there!

Callie enjoys sleeping on the windowsill in the back bedroom! She can be found here almost every afternoon, taking her nap!

Callie seemed to like this box that I covered with a towel! I think she thought it was an armchair for kitties! :-) I was using the towel-covered box as a display spot for taking pictures of some items I am trying to sell!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that you have 5 kitties. We have only 4, and they are all outside cats, although they sure act like they have been raised indoors! Your cats are pretty, and I love Romeo's coat.
