
My brother's garden

We visited my brother in Maine a few weeks ago, and enjoyed looking at his garden and eating produce from it. He has built box gardens in his back yard and they are doing GREAT!
He had to put up an electric fence because there was a pesky ground hog damaging his plants.
The garden includes lots of different kinds of vegetables and herbs. I will try to remember all of them, but since it's not my garden, I might forget some. Here goes: Yellow Squash, Zucchini, cherry tomatoes (special variety), green beans (a couple different types), lettuce (various types), potatoes, acorn squash, cucumbers, kale greens, cabbage, basil, parsley, oregano, and I think that's about all!

Here is a photo of my brother, his wife, and baby. He and Jason planted two apple trees in his front yard while we were up there. We dreamed of the days when our children would climb the trees and play under their shade. With our babies only about 1 month apart in age, they'll have lots of fun playing together.

Family photo beside one of the apple trees planted in honor of our babies Isaac and Alessarah! We look forward to the day when they can climb them and pick fresh apples from their branches.
We enjoyed some of the HUGE zucchini from my brother's garden. We also ate lots of cucumbers while we were visiting with them. They even sent home three huge cucumbers with us when we returned home.
Here is a gorgeous photo of fresh lettuce and cucumbers we ate from their garden!

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