
Watching Hang Gliders on Streaked Mountain

When we got up onto the mountain, we saw that some people were getting ready to hang glide!
It was really exciting watching the hang glider, anticipating his jump off the edge of the mountain.

They were waiting for the perfect gust of wind, then he took a few steps and ran off the edge! Whoosh! He was up in no time, soaring through the sky! (see video below)

Daniel and Jason with the babies, watching the hang gliders!

We got to watch someone hang gliding off of Streaked Mountain in Maine! It was AMAZING!


  1. Thanks for getting that video! That was me in the blue hang glider. We had a great day and conditions were fantastic... plus it beats walking down! Ha! Streaked is a beautiful mountain and a great place to hike... or pretend to be a bird. - Sunny

  2. It was fun watching you guys hang gliding! :-)
