
Fall garden has been planted

Jason made some really nice rows in our garden for the fall season plants. We have planted Mesclun, Lettuce, Swiss Chard, Mustard (India), Onions, and Winter Squash (Acorn, Butternut, and Spaghetti). We have some green peppers that are still trying to produce from the summer garden--althought I'm not sure if they ever will. Our summer garden didn't do very well, because we had drought conditions most of the season. We did water with the hose and gave everything feritlizer, etc...but the summer crops produced very little this year. Kind of disappointing, considering how great our harvest was last summer. We have high hopes for the "fall garden"! Maybe with cooler weather and more rain in the forecast, we'll get some good veggies out of it!

The three green pepper plants are there in the front of the main garden area. They are still hanging on after surviving a hot, dry summer.

This mum planter came back on its own this fall. We didn't replant it or get new plants, it just kept growing all year and has suddenly decided to bloom!

Our butterfly bush is soo happy in this spot! Even though it has been crowded by the huge Cosmo flowering plants, it is still growing really, really well!

These clown flowers come up every year on their own. We never planted them and we didn't buy them...they were already here in the flower bed or maybe a bird brought (dropped) the seeds. They grow in several areas near our rose bushes and hydrangea. We really like them, and noticed this year a pink colored variety coming up in addition to this purple type.

Jason's Outreach Day

Jason's work, CenterPoint Energy held a Day of Caring in partnership with the United Way. They worked on improving and cultivating gardens at the Burnett Bayland Home. This facility is a rehabilitation center for juveniles, offering drug and alcohol counseling, and various types of therapy.