
Our Formal Garden

Our formal garden includes a fig tree, two gardenia bushes, a loquat tree, bunches and bunches of pansies (which I planted when I was very pregnant), snap dragons, and ornamental kale. It's in full bloom right now and very beautiful! Oh, ignore the weeds--they actually make nice "ground cover" for this flower bed. Jason weeded it very well about a month ago, and it really look nice, but in some ways more empty. Now with the green background of a few weeds, the colors of the flowers really pop! Ironic huh?


  1. What are the red & yellow flowers? They're beautiful!! I want some for my garden. Does the fig tree produce figs?

    I think I'm going to plant a Goji Berry bush & a coffee tree this year. I don't drink coffee but I thought it might make a fun gift for friends and family. :)

  2. The red and yellow flowers are snap dragons!--some of my favorites!! That is a new tree we got last season, so we haven't gotten any figs yet, but there might be some this time around. A Goji berry bush would be awesome!! :-)
