
Sleepy cats

Fluffy is one of Romeo's kittens (now 3+ years old), and she's my favorite...shhhhh...don't tell the others. Really, they're all my favorites in their own special ways! Tommy's my favorite boy kitty (and the only one..heee heee)... and Romeo is "the best kitty ever". Callie is really Princess Callie, so that's very special too! They're all such good little kitties, and we're so happy they're part of our family.
This spot under the dining room table is Tommy's favorite nap spot. He likes to brace himself up against a corner and curl up! He moves away pretty quick, however, if Isaac comes crawling under there!
The sun was pouring in our back window, and Romeo (grey/white) was getting comfortable for a nap. Her kitten, Callie (3+ years old) is still pretty attached to her Mommy, so she decided to cuddle up with her on the back of the loveseat. Romeo does not always put up with her "loving" ways, but this time she allowed Callie to share her spot, and even gave her a little licking--reminescent of her days as a tiny little kitten getting washed by Romeo.

Romeo looks a little annoyed, and Callie looks like a spoiled child--happy she got her way.

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