
7 month-old Isaac!

My baby boy is 7 months old today!
"What Am I?" by La Coccinella ... is Isaac's favorite book! We read it together almost everyday! The pictures inside have a clean white background, which make the colorful animals pop off the page!

During his 7-month photo shoot, Isaac was a little wiggle worm!
The blanket he is leaning against was made by me, his Mommy! It's a crochet pattern I made up myself after I saw a similar blanket for sale on the Baby Gap website. I love to crochet...wish I had more time for it.

The feet are a constant distraction these days!


  1. Oh, Debbie and Jason...he is so handsome! And LONG that boy is! WOW! LOL So sweet.

  2. Oh my goodness! That smile is just melting my heart. How bless you are to get to enjoy that everyday!!
