
Isaac's morning greeting

Yesterday, I found Isaac standing in his crib after his first nap of the day! In this picture, he is only kneeling. When Jason got home from work, he watched him pull himself to a standing position several times, and concluded that we would need to lower the crib right away, or Isaac might topple out of the crib and fall onto the floor. I agreed, and so we quickly found the instructions for the crib, and with a few adjustments of the screws, we lowered it about 4-6 inches.
This morning, Isaac was still able to pull himself up to a standing position, even though the crib had been lowered. We might have to lower it all the way down, because he could still fall out if he gets rambunctious and leans over and out of the crib. For now, he's just super excited to be able to stand at the edge of the crib!

I took this photo this morning while I was taking him out of his pajamas and putting him into play clothes. I was in his closet looking for an outfit, so he decided to stand up while he waited.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Wow, can't believe he's already doing that! Briana was doing that at somewhere around 10 months...
