
Isaac is walking!

On Isaac's first birthday, he started walking more than he ever has! It was like a switch clicked and he had desire to walk! He had been "cruising", or walking along objects while holding on. He had also been using his walker toy that he got for Christmas to walk all over the house!! Now he is actually walking between objects and rooms without holding onto anything. He still stumbles sometimes, but that is typical during this stage. Even elementary school kids fall down when they are playing sports!! ha ha!! :-) Anyway, he is going farther and farther each time he tries to walk now, and it is really exciting to watch him! I'm sure in a few more weeks he will be running all around with less and less tumbles! Yikes! It will be fun to watch him gain more confidence, balance, and speed!

1 comment:

  1. he is looking so cute with his chubbier cheeks! :) very exciting he is learning to walk!
