
Our memorable Memorial Day

My parents were visiting us for about five days around Memorial Day weekend! We took them to see some sights in Houston, and had a great time! It was a memorable Memorial Day! Not only because of family visiting, but because we discovered that OUR family would be expanding to include a baby! Pregnancy has been an amazing experience for a variety of reasons. It was great to be able to discover that we are expecting while my parents were here, instead of sharing such special, life changing news over the phone. They were completely surprised, because they did not even realize that we were planning for a family at this time!!

Plus, it is really awesome that we are expecting a baby just three short weeks after my brother, Daniel and his wife, Alessandra who will also be having his first child, which means we can share this experience together and have children who will be close in age. The timing has worked out beautifully, and that is only because God has performed the miracle of life in HIS PERFECT TIMING! God knows what is best for us, and we are so thankful that our lives are in His hands, and our baby has been created by Him!
The day before we took the pregnancy test, we had been out at an Astro's baseball game! We needed to stop by Walmart to pick up a couple of grocery-type items, including the pregnancy test! My parents were with us, and we both wondered how we would distract them while purchasing the pregnancy test--we wanted to keep the whole situation private, just in case we were not pregnant. They were hot and tired, and decided to just wait in the car--since it seemed like it would be a quick trip in-and-out. We were releived that we would not need to do any "sneaky business" to make our purchase...

The next morning, Memorial Day, we took the p-test...got a positive result!! Jason saw it before me, because I was still peeing...so when he started jumping up and down, I knew we had A BIG REASON TO CELEBRATE!! We were beyond excited!! I thought I would burst when I came out of our bedroom to go make breakfast. My Mom was still getting ready and my Dad was reading on the couch. We wanted to wait to share the news until Jason could get his parents on the phone--then we could tell my parents "Oh, the Sasser's want to say hello to you"...and then break our news to everyone at once.

The plan worked well, and we did surprise everyone! Although, Jason's Mom suspected we were sharing this exciting news, because we were trying to get them both on the phone together--which is unusual. They were so happy and congratulated us, as well! My parents were very excited and could hardly believe that they would be having their first two grandchildren so close together!

What a memorable Memorial Day! Thank You, God for blessing us with this pregnancy! We trust You to continue to bless us and our growing baby! We surrender him or her into Your Hands.

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