
Take Me Out to the Ball Game

While my parents were in town visiting us, we took them to a Houston Astros baseball game! It was the Sunday before Memorial day, so the crowds were huge! It was Houston Astros against Texas Rangers--which are based out of Dallas. We had a great time, and it was the first time for my Mom and Dad to go to a baseball game! They had been to other sporting events, but not baseball. They were excited and enjoyed the experience very much! Unfortunately, the Astros did not play a very good game--however the Rangers scored like 4 homeruns, and the end score was Astros: 0 and Rangers: 5. Yuck! But, it was still a great day and we all enjoyed an afternoon out at the ball field!
Mom and Dad wearing the Astros t-shirts we bought for them!

That green field was very nicely groomed! Jason read online that it takes 5 hours to get this field ready before a game. I guess that's not really all that bad, considering how big the area is.

Batter up! Play ball! Swing battah, battah, battah...swing! Come on Astros hit at least one homerun....PLEEEEZZE!
This is a train up high in the stadium, and it has "oranges" in the back of it--because the Astros play at Minute Maid Park. We think that the train moves back and forth up there whenever the Astros get a run or homerun, but since they didn't get any...we didn't get to see if it moves. There was a conductor and engineer up in the train, and he would step out every now and then to wave at the crowd.
Yuris and Michael are friends of our from church. We ended up having two extra tickets, because we had to purchase extra tickets when we found out that my Mom and Dad would be in town. So, we sold them the extra two tickets.

I ate icecream out of a little "Astros hat" shaped bowl! It was quite tastey--with caramel syrup on top.

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