
Remembering Isaac's arrival

It was Sunday at about 6:00 pm when we left to go to the hospital for me to be induced. We were supposed to be there by 6 o'clock, but had gotten delayed trying to grab everything we could think of that we might need at the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, the nurses in labor and delivery told us that my doctor had called to see if I had arrived yet. They basically were scolding us for being late, but I just tried to make a joke and said something about "you know us pregnant women"...hah...hah...I'm sure the labor and delivery nurses know all about pregnant women so that wasn't much of a joke. They showed us the room where I would be staying, and the room where I would potentially give birth! They hooked me up to the monitor machine and nurses and a medical technologist came to check me and stick me and hook me up to my IV. They started me on Cervidil (spelling?) to soften my cervix. Jason was watching the Saints play against the Vikings to see who would go on to the Super Bowl. Jason is from Louisiana and he is a very big Saints fan! I really, really hoped that the Saints would win, because I didn't want his disappointment to "cloud" the arrival of our son! --NOT THAT IT WOULD, because of course meeting our little baby boy was going to be wonderful and exciting no matter what happened in the game. But, I still really hoped that they would win. They did!! By morning, they determined that the Cervidil had worked fairly well, but I still would need more of another type of induction medication to go into labor. Sometime late in the morning they began to give me Pitosen (spelling?) in my IV, which would actually make my contractions bigger and stronger. I remember the pain I felt as the contractions got stronger and stronger. I could hardly think, or speak, or move. Soon they gave me an epidural to ease the pain. Around 2:00 pm my water broke, and the huge, huge amount of water that kept coming was so surprising to me. It was really quite gross. (to put it nicely) Soon after that, my doctor came to check me and said we could soon begin pushing. I pushed for 2 hours, with no progress. The doctor gave me the option to either push 1 more hour or have a C-section. Due to the amount pushing I had done with no progress, and the fact that I was really tired, I decided to go ahead with the c-section. At 5:04 pm Isaac Samuel Sasser was born! I was so excited to hear him make those first noises when he cried. I was laying down with a sheet draped in front of me, so I was not the 1st or 2nd person to see him. I heard everyone talking about him, and Jason taking photos. I was hearing him crying, and I was desperate to see him! I thought for sure they had forgotten about me (his MOMMY who carried him 9 MONTHS!!!!), when they brought him over for me to see for the first time. What an INCREDIBLE moment! After that I had to wait about an hour or so (don't remember exactly how long) while they did all the check ups. Jason went with Isaac to watch what they were doing with our new little son! I was taken back to recovery and began making phone calls on my cell phone! We announced his name to all our family and friends, and I even posted a little announcement on Facebook. What an exciting time that was! Now, he's a whole year old. Hard to believe! It is still so exciting to see him each morning! We love to watch him exploring and engaging the world around him. Thank You, God, for the amazing, wonderful gift of Isaac!

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