
A Little Heart Beat

We went to the clinic to have our first ultra sound on June 15! I was 8 weeks and four days pregnant according to our initial calculation. It was so exciting to hear our baby's heart beat for the first time! What an amazing sound, and it was beating so rapidly! Suddenly our pregnancy is even more real. There really is a little human in there who is alive and has been given the miracle of life from our Creator God. WOW! The ultra sound technician determined that the due date for our baby is January 21, 2010! We'll see when the baby decides to make a grand entrance!? My mom says that she had me and my brother two weeks early, and so that could happen to me, too! I always hear that the last few weeks of pregnancy is when you start to really want to baby to come out. I guess the baby feels extra heavy and you start to lose your balance easily. Plus, it's just so exciting to realize the baby is coming out soon, and so anticipation builds and builds! I'm already SUPER excited, and I'm not even in the second trimester yet! The ultrasound technician also reassured us that there is only one baby inside me. The next thing we are looking forward to most is the ultra sound at 20 weeks when we are likely to find out if we are having a boy or a girl! That will be really exciting! Then we can start buying some items for the nursery and get more and more ready for his or her arrival! We have already started to talk about names--both girl and boy names! It's fun to talk about names--there are so many weird ones out there, and some really unique ones, and of course some great ones we like. We have plenty of time to think about names, but it doesn't hurt to start a couple of preliminary lists.

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