
New Blooms in Front Flower Bed

These lilies are in full bloom right now, and add some beautiful color to our front flower bed beside the driveway.
We just recently got some ornamental garlic "Social Garlic" and added it to the mix of flowers and greenery in the front. They are delicate and elegant, and apparently bloom all year round! I'm looking forward to that! Thanks, Jason!

Jason's grandparents gave us these beautiful shasta daisies 2-3 years ago, and they have been blooming for about a month now. We started out with just two plants, but now they have multiplied to fill about a 2' X 4' area in the front of our yard. They have large blooms that last for weeks! I have cut a few to bring inside for bouquets, but I mostly like to admire them in vibrant clumps outside.

The shasta daisy group is almost done for this season, so they don't fill the front area like they have for the past few weeks, but here you can see the lilies and two plants of social garlic intermingled with green ferns and bushes.

1 comment:

  1. ...and you're pregnant! Yay! Congratulations on growing something even more amazing than your gorgeous flowers. Praise God!
