
Top Ten Signs of Life

I'm PREGNANT! The true reality of it is still sinking in. I have been reading books and magazines about pregnancy and all the changes that take place. I have started experiencing some of them. And there will be many more exciting and frustrating moments to come...I'm sure!

Here's my list of top ten "Signs of Life...Inside Me"

1. Nausea (fortunately not combined with throwing up, but makes me want to nap all day)
2. Needing to eat, but not knowing what to eat...nothing sounds good...no cravings yet
3. I take that back...berries of all kinds "sound good" but that's about all
4. Oh, and I can't stomach corn very well, so there's a "non-craving"
5. People point at my stomach (which hasn't expanded yet) and smile...point, smile, point, smile, point, smile.... (fortunately no stomach patting yet)
6. I'm afraid to lift anything...even my cats
7. I'm praying for our baby
8. Jason and I are looking at name lists on the internet and in books
9. We went baby furniture shopping (no purchases yet, but we have some ideas of what we like)
10. People are telling me old wives tales about how to figure out if we're having a boy or a girl

For a little more background on our pregnancy, see the post "Our Memorable Memorial Day"


  1. You know, I never got cravings - just foods I suddenly hated. And I had the same kind nausea but it only lasted about a month.

  2. with ava nothing tasted good for a few months then i got quite the appetite. no real craings except potatoe salad was wonderful!

  3. At the time of this blog poast, I was 10 weeks pregnant! As I make this "comment"--I'm 19 1/2 weeks along. The nausea has gone away completely, and I do have some cravings...like tomatoes and oranges. I also crave protein and dairy somewhat. We are going to have our ultra sound to determine the baby's gender this week--we're really excited about that!
